Our philosophy
Your needs always come firstWe don`t wait to be asked. We take action ourselves.
We consider it vital to take the initiative in the interests of our clients. We approach our clients and work out solutions. We see our clients as partners and cooperate closely with them. As we are always up to date on their current situation and future plans, we can respond to new requirements promptly. Our clients won’t be lost in the maze of an anonymous organization, they will receive personal service from our management and staff alike.
We keep an eye on any changes in the law and new legal precedents so that, together with our clients, we can set the course for a secure future.
Deep insight is the cornerstone of farsighted consulting
Constant interaction with our clients and deep insight into their financial circumstances are crucial for providing farsighted advice. Our employees are therefore required to draw up accurate accounts, tax returns and balance sheets. This gives us a detailed picture of earnings, assets and tax burdens as the cornerstone of providing further, in-depth consulting services.
Our goal is to maximize your assets sustainably
Together with our clients we develop farsighted solutions. This opens up new prospects and serves to secure companies and their assets sustainably. All of our consulting services follow a holistic approach to our clients’ needs. Our focus is not on quick tax savings but on a long-term maximization of their assets.
KSP International
We are a partner of Geneva Group International (GGI)
A strong presence on international markets is crucial for large and small companies alike. A thorough understanding of the intricacies and differences between the local judicial and financial systems is essential for working internationally. To achieve this, companies need access to professional experts who are allied with us and speak their language in every country.
As a member of GGI, one of ten leading international alliances of strong and independent audit and accounting, tax consultancy and law firms, we are able to arrange the best possible consulting services for our clients worldwide and help them realize the solutions.
GGI Geneva Group International is an association of independent firms and not a network as defined by section 319 b of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB).
KSP Cooperations
We are part of a strong alliance.
Reliable and professional connections are key for smooth and efficient processes. Apart from our international cooperations via the GGI alliance we have developed long-standing and time-tested contacts with major service providers and experts who are happy to assist our clients.
We have long-standing contacts with a wide range of banks and cooperate closely with lawyers and notaries. In addition, we help clients who are seeking personnel, insurance coverage or real estate by putting them in touch with reliable partners.
KSP Stübben & Partner mbB
Rather Straße 110a
40476 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 908940
KSP Stübben & Partner mbB
Georg-Muche-Straße 4
80807 Munich
Phone: +49 89 210356